oldbookillustrations: Public and private hospitals (Les hôpitaux et les cliniques). Honoré Daumier, from Némésis médicale illustrée (illustrated medical nemesis) vol. 2, by François Fabre, Paris, 1840. (Source: archive.org)
oldbookillustrations: Public and private hospitals (Les hôpitaux et les cliniques). Honoré Daumier, from Némésis médicale illustrée (illustrated medical nemesis) vol. 2, by François Fabre, Paris, 1840. (Source: archive.org)
pjmix: 片岡義男 (via 週刊 『フクダデスガ』)
powercomics: TITLE: STARBIKERS #1 (1988) PUBLISHER: RENEGADE PRESS ART & STORY BY: RON SUTTON BUY Starbikers is pure Steranko worship, featuring thug-like Hell’s Angels on hoverbikes 100 years in the future. An immoral group doing whatever it takes to survive, legal or otherwise. Portions of...
the shape of jazz to come