oldbookillustrations: The drinkers. From a watercolour by Honoré Daumier. From Daumier and Gavarni, by Henri Frantz and Octave Uzanne, London, Paris, New York, 1904 Via archive.org.


furtivelabors: NOTE TO SHIPBREAKER: the narrative provides context, while the quotes are intended to be read aloud, recorded and sampled. HUDDLED UNDER SOME BLANKETS IN HIS BEDROOM CLOSET IN THE PRE-DAWN DARKNESS AT THE TAIL END OF A NIGHTMARISH “BAD TRIP” MAGIC-MUSHROOM EXPERIENCE THAT CAME...


furtivelabors: NOTE TO SHIPBREAKER: the narrative provides context, while the quotes are intended to be read aloud, recorded and sampled. HUDDLED UNDER SOME BLANKETS IN HIS BEDROOM CLOSET IN THE PRE-DAWN DARKNESS AT THE TAIL END OF A NIGHTMARISH “BAD TRIP” MAGIC-MUSHROOM EXPERIENCE THAT CAME...