Category: unknown
four photograms + version
flowers around
fenner – melander family fotos
this box is from Mabel’s europe trip in the early sixties this one is marked family at home and seems to range from about 64-65 wedding pictures seem to be from dean and luci in 49? and then the box mark dan john winter from...
Hyde Park Free Festival 1969
The Baliem Valley was a “magnificent vastness” in Rockefeller’s eyes, and its people were “emotionallly expressive.” But Asmat proved to be “more remote country than what I have ever seen.” (President and Fellows of Harvard University; Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology [155700080]) What Really...
[ ] Gamardah Fungus [ ] witches of salem jp sartre [ ] outlaw forlorn [ ] “post-industrial temple” [ ] play tapes in certain notable locations, record digitally unique sonic environment [ ] 2556 BE _ 2013 [ ] clip a hundred brief statements from mp3s to trigger via cart system...
BBC Science – How to: make a microscope from a webcam