
memos from oblivion

memos from oblivion

we are proud to present the latest from the Furtive Labors archives here at BtW.  behold! the legendary subterranean screed from the late high-as-a-kite hellmonger, Fiada Fey, MEMOS from OBLIVION

a neuvo kirk interstellardeathtrip: “kirk :: alien doom vortex” by Monstrator (Source: http://belowthewaste.org)

Everything you always wanted to know about LSD-related satanic syphilis conspiracies but were afraid to ask … The ominous and apocalypse-heralding News Bulletin writings of Andrew Mann are now available at Below the Waste. (Source: http://belowthewaste.org)

Alec Essefic, Furtive Labors’ arch-fiend of late-night paranoid cosmic dread, returns with a second volley of Death Clouds at BELOWtheWASTE (Source: http://belowthewaste.org/wp/furtive-labors/alec-essefic/again-death-clouds/)