
oldhollywood: “Apparently on the screen I look tall, ageless, and damned close to omniscient—delivering jeopardy-laden warnings through gritted teeth. But when people see me on the street, they say ‘by God, this kid is 5 foot 5, he’s got a broken nose, and looks about...

turnofthecentury: billyjane:Anna Belle Grey [trick photograph,c.1901] from The Library of Congress via bobster (Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32912172@N00/3255592142/in/set-72157615299005514//3531/3255592142_30db8de0c4_o.jpg)

negativepleasure: via www.mutablesound.com fletcher hanks (Source: http://www.mutablesound.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/F-Hanks-art-2.jpg)

internetarchaeology: via www.mychristiansite.com (1997) animated gif (Source: http://www.mychristiansite.com/personal/heavenly_whispers/Animatedcrusifix.gif)