Tag: found
Memory Neglect
These are photos of photos that were found in a damp pile near the Mississippi River in St. Paul. The photos were in albums, the albums were in a black garbage bag. The elements destroyed most of the photos, but some were still recognizable as...
Ballad of Jacob Wetterling
Virg + the Eldorados – Ballad of Jacob Wetterling (tape rip)
The Lung-Large Intestine Talks (found audio)
Whilst digging through my huge assortment of unidentified cassette tapes I discovered a tape with home-recorded conversations on either side. The first side sees a mundane (yet weirdly compelling) discussion on all sorts of chit-chat-type topics. The most interesting thing about it is the woman...
mysterious following
Vintage hipsters
Catching some rays
Happy little girl
From the desk of Wakalukong
found whilst trawling for information regarding Cambodia and Khmer pop. all of the southeast Asian usenet groups are plastered with screeds and ranting all seemingly coming from the same author… プロフィールを表示 日本語に翻訳 詳細オプション 3月1日, 午後11:27 I am HOMO CHINKIE DOG Wakalukong , I worship and...